Stefano Bottoni

Curriculum vitae


Born: 7 July 1977, Bologna (Italy)

Citizenship: Italian, Hungarian


- 0036-20-4758811 (Hungarian mobile phone)
- 0039-347-6505540 (Italian mobile phone)
- E-mail:,


- Ph.D. in History of Europe, Bologna University 2005 - thesis paper: "Territorialità e politica etnica in Europa centro-orientale: il caso della Regione Autonoma Ungherese in Romania, 1952-1960" [Territoriality and ethnic policy in Central-Eastern Europe: a case-study on the Hungarian Autonomous Region in Romania, 1952-1960]
- M.A. in Contemporary History, Bologna University 2001 - thesis paper: "Le minoranze ungheresi nell'Europa centro-orientale, 1944-1949" [Hungarian minorities in Central-Eastern Europe, 1944-1949]


- Nationality question in modern and contemporary Eastern Europe: theory and praxis
- Hungarian-Romanian diplomatic relations after 1918
- Political and social history of Transylvania and Slovakia in the Communist period
- Ethnic conflicts in Eastern Europe and post-Soviet area after the fall of Communism
- State-Church relationships in Eastern Europe in the communist period


- February-December 2007: Budapest (Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security, Hungarian-Vatican relations)
- July-September 2006: Bucharest (National Archives, as a consultant member of the Vladimir Tism?neanu-led Presidential Commission for the Analysis of the Communist Dictatorship in Romania
- January-September 2005: Bucharest (Archive of the National Council for the Study of Securitate's Archives - ACNSAS)
- June 2002-September 2004: Budapest, Cluj-Napoca, Târgu-Mure?, Bucharest (Hungarian and Romanian National Archives, Mure? County Branch of the Romanian National Archives, Archive of the Society of Transylvanian Museum - EME)
- May 2002 and October 2005: London (National Archives, British Library)


Contract lecturer: History of Eastern Europe, Bologna University, 2005-2007
Courses tought: History of Eastern Europe (2005, Fall/Winter Term, BA level)
Comparative politics of Eastern Europe (2006, Fall/Winter Term, BA level)

Assistant research fellow, University of Eastern Piedmont, POLIS Department of Political Science (Alessandria, Italy), January 2008 -


- Bolyai János post-doctoral grant (Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2006-2009)
- Research grant for Hungary (Marco Polo programme for young scholars, Bologna University April-July 2006)
- Visiting fellow (Teleki László Institute Center for Central European Studies, Budapest 2005)
- Doctoral grant (Bologna University 2002-2004)
- Research grant for M.A. thesis abroad (Bologna University January 2000)


- Consultant member: Presidential Commission for the Analysis of the Communist
Dictatorship in Romania (2006)
- Member: editorial board of Annale SISSCO (Yearbook of the Italian Society for Contemporary History) 2006 -
- Member of SISSCO, the Italian Society for the Study of Contemporary History 2003 -
- Associate member of Centro Studi sulla Storia dell'Europa Orientale (Trento, Italy) 2001 -


Italian: first language
Hungarian: proficiency
English, Romanian: good
French, Spanish: reading comprehension


- István Bibó: Il problema storico dell'indipendenza ungherese [The Hungarian indipendence as a historical problem - co-editor with Federigo Argentieri]. Venezia, Marsilio Editore, 2004, 160. p.
- Az 1956-os forradalom és a romániai magyarság (1956-1959) [The revolution of 1956 and the Hungarian minority in Romania - main editor]. Miercurea Ciuc/Csíkszereda, Pro-Print Kiadó, 2006, 432. p.
- Transilvania rossa. Il comunismo romeno e la questione nazionale, 1944-1965 [Red Transylvania. The Romanian communism and the national question, 1944-1965]. Roma, Carocci Editore, 2007, 238. p.
- Sztálin a székelyeknél. A Magyar Autonóm Tartomány története, 1952-1960 [When Comrade Stalin came to the Szeklers. A history of the Hungarian Autonomous Region]. Miercurea Ciuc/Csíkszereda, Pro-Print Kiadó, 2008, 448. p.



- Politiche di minoranza e conflitto etnico in Europa orientale, 1944-1950. Il caso delle
minoranze ungheresi in Romania e Cecoslovacchia [Minority policies and ethnic conflict in Eastern Europe, 1944-1950. A case-study on the Hungarian minorities in Romania and Czechoslovakia]. CONTEMPORANEA, 2002. 1. 85-115

- The debate over the Hungarian national unity from Trianon from Trianon to the "Status Law" (1920-2001). Paper delivered to the international conference THE CONTOURS OF LEGITIMACY IN CENTRAL EUROPE (St. Antony's College Oxford, 24-26 May 2002).


- Tra stalinismo e nazionalismo. La creazione della Regione Autonoma Ungherese in Romania, 1952 [Between stalinism and nationalism. The creation of the Hungarian Autonomous Region in Romania, 1952]. ITALIA CONTEMPORANEA, vol. 233/2003. 679-700

- The creation of the Hungarian Autonomous Region in Romania in 1952: premises and
consequences. REGIO (English issue), 2003. 15-38

- A sztálini "Kis Magyarország" megalakítása, 1952 [The creation of Stalin's "little Hungary", 1952]. REGIO, 2003. 3. 89-125

- A romániai magyarság a brit diplomáciai iratok tükrében (1948-1971). Elemzési kisérlet [The condition of the Hungarian minority in Romania as described by the British diplomacy, 1948-1971], in Cs. Fedinec (ed.), Etnopolitika. A közösségi, magán-és nemzetközi érdekek Közép-Európában. Budapest, Teleki László Alapítvány, 2003. 99-124


- Un frammento di storia centroeuropea: le minoranze ungheresi nel XX secolo [A fragment of central european history: Hungarian minorities in the XXth Century], in G. Gozzi- F. Martelli (eds.), Guerre e minoranze. Diritti delle minoranze, conflitti interetnici e giustizia internazionale nella transizione alla democrazia in Europa centro-orientale.
Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004, 83-107

- A hatalom értelmisége - az értelmiség hatalma. A Földes László ügy [Intelletuals in power - the power of the intellectuals. The László Földes affair]. KORALL, 18. 2004
December. 113-134


- L'adesione dell'Ungheria all'Unione Europea: aspetti politici ed economici [The adhesion of Hungary to the European Union: political and economical factors], in R. Scartezzini-J. O. Milanese (eds.), L'allargamento dell'UE nello scenario geopolitico europeo. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2005, 171-196

- Kényszerb?l stratégia: a román állambiztonság válaszlépései a magyar forradalomra 1956-1958 [From contraint to strategy: how Romanian state security reacted to the Hungarian revolution, 1956-1958], in Cs. Fedinec and B. Ablonczy (eds.), Folyamatok a vátozásban. Budapest, Teleki László Alapítvány, 2005, 221-254


- L'impatto della rivoluzione del 1956 sulla Romania negli archivi della polizia politica [The impact of the 1956 Hungarian revolution on Romania in the archives of Securitate]. STUDI STORICI, 2006. 1. 283-307
- (with F. Bocholier), Elites et ethnicité en Transylvanie : les voies sinueuses et paradoxales de l'homogénéisation nationale (1920-1960), in F. Bocholier - N. Bauquet (eds.), Les élites et le communisme en Europe centrale, Actes du colloque de l'École Normale Supérieure. Paris, PUF, 2006. 107-120
- De la répression politique à la purge ethnique? L'impact de la révolution de 1956 sur le modèle communiste roumain. COMMUNISME, 88. 2006-2007. 135-157 (reprinted in D. C?t?nu? - V. Buga eds, 1956. Lag?rul comunist sub impactul destaliniz?rii. Bucure?ti, INST, 2006, 362-399)
- Integrálódó kisebbség? A Magyar Autonóm Tartomány politikai elitje [Integrating minorities? An overview of the political élite in the Hungarian Autonomous Region], in N. Bárdi - A. Simon (eds.), Integrációs stratégiák a magyar kisebbségek történetében. Somorja/Samorin, Fórum Kisebbségkutató Intézet, 2006, 395-414


- Románia [Romania], in Csaba Békés (ed.), Evolúció és revolúció. Magyarország és a nemzetközi politika 1956-ban [Evolution and revolution. Hungary and the international politics in 1956]. Budapest, 1956-os Intézet-Gondolat Kiadó, 2007, 155-177
- Emlékezés, feltárás, értelmezés. Szubjektív elemzés a romániai 1956-os kutatás állásáról (Remembrance, discover, interpretation. A subjective analysis over the present situation of the research of the 1956 revolution in Romania), in János M. Rainer-Katalin Somlai (eds): Az 1956-os forradalom visszhangja a szovjet tömb országaiban. Évkönyv XIV. 2006-2007. Budapest, 1956-os Intézet, 2007, 213-228
- Damnatio memoriae? La rivoluzione del 1956 nel discorso pubblico ungherese [Damnatio memoriae? The 1956 revolution in the Hungarian public discourse], RIVISTA DI STUDI UNGHERESI. 2007. 6. 69-81


Memorie negate, verità di stato. Lustrazione e commissioni storiche nella Romania postcomunista. QUADERNI STORICI n. 2/2008. 403-431.
Una coabitazione impossibile: pianificazione militare ed economia civile in Ungheria (1948-1953). RIVISTA DI STUDI UNGHERESI 2008/7. 157-177.
A special relationship. Hungarian intelligence and the Vatican (1961-1978), in NKVD/KGB Activities and its Cooperation with other Secret Services in Central and Eastern Europe 1945 - 1989. Anthology of the international and interdisciplinary Conference. Bratislava, Nation's Memory Institute, 2008. 147-176.
Átvilágítási (kudarc) történet Romániában. ÉLET ÉS IRODALOM 2008/8. (február 22. 13.
Komárom/Komárno. Hivatalos és informális kapcsolatok egy közép-európai ikervárosban (1960-1985). REGIO 2008/3. 27-47

Budapest, 01. 11. 2008.