Curriculum Vitae


Vámos, Péter (1969)

Institute of History, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1014 Budapest, Úri u. 53.
tel.: (36-1) 2246700/651



2007: in History, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest



1994–1997: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

June 22, 1998: CSc (PhD) in Linguistics (Oriental Studies)

1987–1997: Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Faculty of Humanities

1987–1992: Sinology – University Diploma with Distinction, 30 June, 1992

1990–1997: History – University Diploma, 15 July, 1997

1987–1989: Concentration: Russian

1994: University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)

1993–1994, 1995: Taiwan Normal University, Mandarin Training Center

1989–1990: Beijing Language Institute

1988: State University of Leningrad



2008: Eötvös Scholarship, Hungarian Scholarship Board, University of Heidelberg

2005–2007: Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, Research Grant

2002–2005: Békésy György Postdoctoral Fellowship, Hungarian Ministry of Education

2004: China Scholarship Council Fellowship for Teachers of Chinese as a Foreign Language, Beijing Normal University

2002: The Tokyo Foundation, Visit Japan Program

2001–2002: Magyary Zoltán Postdoctoral Fellowship, Hungarian Ministry of Education

2001: Charles H. Revson Fellowship, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM)

1998–2001: Bolyai János Research Fellowship, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2000: Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship

1999: China Scholarship Council Fellowship, Beijing Normal University

1996: Pacific Cultural Foundation (Taiwan), Research Grant

1995: Taibei Center for Chinese Studies Scholarship

1994–1997: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Research Grant

1994: Soros Foundation Scholarship (SOAS, University of London)

1993–1994: Taiwan Ministry of Education Academic Scholarship

1989–1990: Hungarian Ministry of Education Scholarship (Beijing Language Institute)

1988: Hungarian Ministry of Education Scholarship (State University of Leningrad)



2004: Youth Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (for the book: Hungarian Jesuit Mission in China), awarded by the Secretary General of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

1993: Higher Educational Medal of Merit, awarded by the Minister of Education, Republic of Hungary



1998–present: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of History, Budapest

2002–present: Senior Research Fellow

2001–2002: Research Fellow

1998–2001: Bolyai János Research Fellow

1997–present: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest

2005–present: Assistant Professor, Department of Japanese Studies

1999–2005: Lecturer, Department of Japanese Studies

1997–1999: Lecturer, Department of History

2001–2003: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Department of Ancient History, Lecturer

1994–1996: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Department of Chinese Studies, Lecturer

1992–1994: Dharma Gate Buddhist University, Budapest, Lecturer



– modern history and foreign relations of China
– Sino-Soviet relations
– relations between China and the Soviet Bloc
– Sino-Hungarian relations
– history of Christianity in China



– native Hungarian
– fluency in Chinese and English
– intermediate Russian and German
– reading skills in Japanese, Korean, French and Latin



Authored books (all in Hungarian):

1. Két kultúra ölelésében. Magyar jezsuiták a Távol-Keleten. (Embracing Two Cultures. Hungarian Jesuits in the Far-East)
Anima Una Könyvek/12
Budapest: Korda, 1997. pp. 341

2. Magyar jezsuita misszió Kínában. (Hungarian Jesuit Mission in China.)
K?rösi Csoma Kiskönyvtár/26
Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2003. pp. 391

3. Kína mellettünk? Kínai külügyi iratok Magyarországról, 1956. (Is China with Us? Chinese diplomatic records on Hungary, 1956.)
Budapest: MTA Történettudományi Intézete, 2008. pp. 380

Edited books:

4. Bevégeztetett. Koch István naplója a magyar jezsuiták kínai missziójának
pusztulásáról. (The Diary of István Koch on the Destruction of the Hungarian Jesuit Mission in China)
edited, foreword and notes written by: Péter Vámos
Budapest: Terebess, 1999. pp. 175

5. A Paokingi Apostoli Prefektúra rövid története (Short History of the Apostolic Prefecture of Baoqing)
Budapest, Kapisztrán Szt. János Ferences Rendtartomány, 2005.
(edited and notes written by: Peregrin Kálmán OFM and Péter Vámos, Hungarian translation of the Latin text proofread by Hedvig Deák OP and Péter Vámos) pp. 428

6. Polonyi, Péter: Múlt a jöv?ben. Írások Kínáról. (Past in the Future. Writings on China.) edited, foreword and notes written by Péter Vámos
Budapest: MTA Történettudományi Intézete, 2007. pp. 415

Translations from Chinese:

7. A szeretkezés kínai tankönyveib?l (From the Books of the Chinese Art of the Bedchamber)
(with Ferenc T?kei)
Történelem és kultúra/16
Budapest: Balassi, 1998. pp. 131

Book chapters and journal articles in English and in Chinese:

8. “The Great Wall from the Hungarians’ Point of View”, in: Zhongguo Changcheng Xuehui (szerk.) Changcheng guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Proceedings of the International Academic Symposium on the Great Wall) (Jilin: Jilin Renmin Chubanshe, 1995), 92–96. (in Chinese)

9. “Hungarian Missionaries in China”, in: Uhalley, Stephen Jr. – Wu, Xiaoxin (eds.), China and Christianity. Burdened Past, Hopeful Future (Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2000), 217–232.

10. Home Afar: The Life of Central European Jewish Refugees in Shanghai During WWII., in: Pacific Rim Report No. 23., November, 2001, pp. 8

11. “Home Afar”: The Life of Central European Jewish Refugees in Shanghai during World War II” in: Acta Orientalia (Hung.) Volume 57. (1) (2004), 55–70.

12. Sino-Hungarian Relations and the 1956 Revolution
(Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Cold War International History Project, 2006). Working Paper No. 54. pp. 44

13. “The Hungarian Franciscan Mission in China”, in: Golvers, Noel – Lievens, Sara (eds.), A Lifelong dedication to the China Mission. Essays presented in honor of Father Jeroom Heyndrickx, CICM, on the occasion of his 75th birthday and the 25th anniversary of the F. Verbiest Institute K.U. Leuven. (Leuven Chinese Studies, XVII,
Leuven, 2007), 619–642.

14. “With the Chinese, for the Chinese – The Hungarian Jesuit Mission in Puzi, Taiwan.” To be published in the proceedings of the 2004 Verbiest Symposium, Leuven Chinese Studies (manuscript submitted)

15. “Much Listening, Little speaking: Chinese Foreign Ministry Documents on the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, 23 October – 4 November 1956” (Excerpt), in: Inside China’s Cold War. Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Issue 16, Fall 2007/Winter 2008, 338–340.

16. “’Only Handshake but No Embrace’. Sino-Soviet Normalization in the 1980s”, in: Bernstein, Thomas P. – Li, Hua-yu (eds.), China Learns from the Soviet Union, 1949-present (The Harvard Cold War Studies Book Series, Rowman and Littlefield, forthcoming) (manuscript submitted)

17. “Much Listening, Little speaking: Chinese Foreign Ministry Documents on the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, 23 October – 4 November 1956”, in: Journal of Cold War Studies (MIT, Harvard), forthcoming (accepted for publication)

18. “Hungarian Documents on Sino-Hungarian Relations, 1956-1966”, in: Cold War International History Studies (Shanghai), (in Chinese, accepted for publication)

Book chapters and journal articles in Hungarian:

19. “Az egészségmeg?rzés kínai tudománya: a csikung I.” (The Chinese Art of Preserving Health: Qigong I.) in: Keletkutatás, 1995/Autumn, 9–22.

20. “Az egészségmeg?rzés kínai tudománya: a csikung II.” (The Chinese Art of Preserving Health: Qigong II.) in: Keletkutatás, 1996/Spring, 5–17.

21. “Magyar jezsuiták Kínában” (Hungarian Jesuits in China), in: Korunk, 1998/8, 110–117.

22. “Kínai zsidók – zsidók Kínában” (Chinese Jews – Jews in China), in: Remény,
1999/March–April, 101–108.

23. “Kína katolikusai az ezredvégen” (China’s Catholics at the End of the Millennium),
in: Távlatok 46, 1999/4, 561–572.

24. “A kommunista valláspolitika és a katolikus misszionáriusok helyzetének alakulása Kínában az 1940–50-es években” (Communist Religious Policy and Catholic Missionaries in China during the 1940–1950s) in: Hamar, I. (ed.) Sinológiai m?hely I.: Mítoszok és vallások Kínában (Budapest: Balassi, 2000), 161–175.

25. “A kínai Manhattan: Pudong” (The Chinese Manhattan: Pudong), in: História 2001/3, 27–28.

26. “Jezsuita misszionáriusok Kínában a 16–17. században” (Jesuit Missionaries in China during the 16–17th Centuries), in: Szabó, L. – Ölbei, T. – Wilhelm, Z. (szerk.) Anyaországok és (volt) gyarmataik 1. (Pécs: Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Afrika – Amerika – Ázsia Universitas Munkacsoport, 2002), 401–419.

27. “Kína és Magyarország, 1959” (China and Hungary, 1959) (together with Lóránt Sárdy) in: História 2003/5–6, 47–49.

28. “Együttm?köd? ellenfelek. Az Egyesült Államok Kína-politikája” (Cooperating
adversaries. The China-policy of the United States. in: Külügyi Szemle (Foreign Policy Review) 2003/4, 88–116. (Résumé in English, French and German)

29. “Magyar misszionáriusok Kínában. A magyar külmissziós mozgalom belpolitikai háttere az 1920–1930-as években” (Hungarian Missionaries in China. The domestic political background of the foreign missionary movement in Hungary in the 1920s and 1930s), in: Vigilia 2004/7, 523–530.

30. “Nemzet és azonosságtudat. Megjegyzések a kínai külpolitika értelmezéséhez” (Nation and Identity. Notes to the interpretation of Chinese foreign policy), in: N. Rózsa, Erzsébet (ed.): Nemzeti identitás és külpolitika a Közel-Keleten és Kelet-Ázsiában (National Identity and Foreign Policy in the Middle East and East Asia) (Budapest: Teleki László Alapítvány, 2005), 213–243.

31. “EU–Kína kapcsolatok: a fegyverembargó vége?” (EU-China Relations: End of the Arms Embargo?) in: Külügyi Szemle (Foreign Policy Review), 2005/1–2, 181–196.

32. “A paokingi misszió m?ködésének politikai és gazdasági háttere” (Political and Economic Background of the activities of the Baoqing Mission) in: A Paokingi Apostoli Prefektúra rövid története (Budapest, Kapisztrán Ferences Rendtartomány, 2005), 35–53.

33. “Távoli menedék. Közép- és kelet-európai zsidó menekültek Sanghajban a második világháború idején” („Home Afar: Central and Eastern European Jewish Refugees in Shanghai During World War II”) in: Világtörténet 2005/Autumn–Winter, 72–85.

34. “Tajvan: Önálló ország vagy szakadár tartomány?”(Taiwan: Independent State or Renegade Province?”) in: Külügyi Szemle (Foreign Policy Review), 2006/1–2, 71–87.

35. “A kínai nagyhatalom születése. A kínai külpolitika változásai, 1949–2005.” (The Birth of China as a Great Power. The Changes in Chinese Foreign Policy, 1949–2005”) in: História 2006/1, 16–19.

36. “Az SZKP XX. kongresszusának hatása a magyar–kínai kapcsolatokra” („The Impact of the 20th Congress of the CPSU on Sino-Hungarian Relations”) in: Múltunk 2006/2, 235–256.

37. “A magyar jezsuiták kínai missziója” („The China Mission of the Hungarian Jesuits”) in: Szilágyi, Csaba (ed.), A magyar jezsuiták küldetése a kezdetekt?l napjainkig. (The Mission of Hungarian Jesuits from the Beginnings to the Present) (Piliscsaba: Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, 2006), 225–239.

38. “Beteg a sárkány? Kína bels? gondjai és a megoldási kísérletek” (Is the Dragon Sick? China’s Domestic Problems and the Attempts for Their Solution) in: Eszmélet/71 (2006/Fall), 94–108.

39. “A magyar forradalom és Kína” (The Hungarian Revolution and China) in: História 2006/10, 29–31.

40. “Kína” (China) in: Békés, Csaba (ed.), Evolúció és revolúció. Magyarország és a nemzetközi politika 1956-ban. (Evolution and Revolution. Hungary and International Politics in 1956) (Budapest: 1956-os Intézet–Gondolat, 2006). 111–154.

41. “Sok figyelés, kevés beszéd. Kínai külügyi iratok, 1956. október 23.–november 4.” (Much Listening, Little Speaking. Chinese Diplomatic Records, October 23 – November 4, 1956), in: Történelmi Szemle 2006/3–4, 359–387.

42. “Nyitás a kínai külügyminisztérium levéltárában” (Opening in the Archives of the Ministry of Foreing Affairs of the PRC) in: Levéltári Közlemények, 77. 2006/2, 223–228.

43. “A magyar forradalom szerepe a Kínai Kommunista Párt politikájában” (The Role of the Hungarian Revolution in the Policy of the Communist Party of China) in: Rainer, M. János – Somlai, Katalin (szerk.), 1956-os Intézet – Évkönyv 2006–2007. (Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2007), 154–176.

44. “A sárkány és a fekete arany” (The Dragon and the Black Gold) in: História 2007/9–10, 46–49.

45. “Az olajra szomjazó ország” (The Country Thirsty for Oil) in: História 2007/9–10, 47.

46. “’Csak kézfogás van, ölelés nincs’ – A kínai–szovjet kapcsolatok normalizálása a nyolcvanas években” (’Only Handshake but No Embrace’ – The Normalization of Sino-Soviet Relations in the 1980s) in: Külügyi Szemle (Foreign Policy Review), 2007/4, 312–333.

47. “Tibet a világpolitikában” (Tibet in World Politics) in: História 2008/3, 11–14.

48. “’Mi történt a kínaiakkal?’ Magyar–kínai kapcsolatok, 1956–1966.” (’What happened to the Chinese?’ – Hungarian-Chinese Relations, 1956-1966) in: Hamar, I. – Salát, G. (eds.), Kínai történelem – Ecsedy Ildikó emlékkötete, forthcoming (paper submitted)

49. “Az önálló magyar jezsuita misszió Kínában” (The Independent Hungarian Jesuit Mission in China) in: Távlatok, forthcoming (paper submitted)

Book reviews:

50. Gatta, Secondino, Il natural lume de Cinesi. in: Acta Oriantalia (Hung.) vol. 51. (1998), 369–371.

51. Leslie Donald D., Jews and Judaism in Traditional China. in: Acta Orientalia (Hung.) vol. 52. (1999), 119–120.

52. Malek, Roman, S.V.D. (ed.), Western Learning and Christianity in China. The Contribution and Impact of Johann Adam Schall von Bell, S. J. (1592–1666). in: Acta Orientalia (Hung.) vol. 53. (2000), 144–146.

53. Eber, Irene – Wan, Sze-Kar – Walf, Knut (eds.), Bible in Modern China. The Literary and Intellectual Impact. in: Acta Orientalia (Hung.) vol. 53. (2000), 146–147.

54. Malek, Roman – Zingerle, Arnold (eds.): Martino Martini S. J. (1614–1661) und die Chinamission im 17. Jahrhundert. in: Acta Orientalia (Hung.) vol. 54 (2001), 177–178.

55. Zetzsche, Jost Oliver, The Bible in China: The History of the Union Version or The Culmination of Protestant Missionary Bible Translation in China. in: Acta Orientalia (Hung.) Volume 56 (2003), 471–473.

56. Gottfried von Laimbeckhoven SJ (1707–1787) Der Bischof von Nanjing und seine Briefe aus China mit Faksimile seiner Reisebeschreibung. Transkribiert und bearbeitet von Stephan Puhl (1941–1997), und Sigismund Freiherr von Elverfeldt-Ulm unter Mitwirkung von Gerhard Zeilinger. Zum Druck vorbereitet und herausgegeben von Roman Malek SVD. in: Acta Orientalia (Hung.) Volume 56 (2003), 470–471.

57. Ristaino, Marcia Reynders, Port of Last Resort. The Diaspora Communities of Shanghai (book review) in: Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Oxford University Press) Volume 18, Issue 1. Spring 2004, 115–118.

58. Möller, Kay, Die Au?enpolitik der Volksrepublik China 1949–2004. Eine Einführung. in: Külügyi Szemle (Foreign Policy Review), 2005/1–2, 269–273. (in Hungarian)

59. Lehner, Georg – Lehner, Monika, Österreich-Ungarn und der „Boxeraufstand” in China. in: Századok 2006/1, 251–254. (in Hungarian)

60. Karl Gützlaff (1803–1851) und das Christentum in Ostasien. Ein Missionar zwischen den Kulturen. Herausgegeben von Thoralf Klein und Reinhard Zöllner. in: Acta Orientalia (Hung.) Volume 59 (3) (2006), 381–384.

61. Lüthi, Lorenz M., The Sino-Soviet Split. in: Journal of Cold War Studies, forthcoming (review submitted)

62. Shambaugh, David, China’s Communist Party. in: Külügyi Szemle (Foreign Policy Review), 2009/1, (forthcoming) (review submitted, in Hungarian)

Other publications:

Encyclopedia entries:

63. Britannica Hungarica, Ladányi László entry

64. Magyar Nagylexikon (Hungarian Encyclopedia) 96 entries related to East Asian history and oriental studies)

Major public lectures:

In Chinese:

1. The Great Wall of China – from the Hungarians’ Point of View.
International Academic Symposium on the Great Wall. Beijing, September 23–25, 1994.

2. The Eastern Roots of Hungarians.
Minzu Daxue (University of the Nationalities) Beijing, December 9, 1998.

3. The problems of the Hungarian Systemic Change.
Beijing Shifan Daxue (Beijing Normal University) May 18, 1999.

4. The 1956 Hungarian Events and China.
Institute of Party History of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Beijing, July 27, 2004.

5. The 1956 Hungarian Revolution and the 1968 Prague Spring – a Comparison.
Shanghai, East China Normal University, Department of History, November 22, 2007.

6. The State of Cold War Studies in Hungary.
Workshop: Inter-Communist States relations in the Cold War Era. Shanghai, East China Normal University, Cold War Research Center, November 21–22, 2007.

In English:

7. The Hungarian Jesuit Mission in Daming, Hebei Province
XXXVth ICANAS, Budapest, July 10, 1997.

8. Hungarian Missionaries in China.
China and Christianity: Burdened Past, Hopeful Future. International Conference in San Francisco, October 14–16, 1999.

9. The Chinese Communist Party’s Policy and the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. XXXVIth ICANAS, Montréal, August 27–September 2, 2000.

10. Central and Eastern European Jewish Refugees in Shanghai, 1938–1948.
Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, US Holocaust Memorial Museum, March 21, 2001.

11. Home Afar: The Life of Jewish Communities in Shanghai during WWII.
University of San Francisco, April 25, 2001.

12. The Chinese Communist Party’s Policy and the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
Conference: New Central and Eastern European Evidence on the Cold War in Asia, Budapest, October 30–November 2, 2003.

13. Hungarian Documents on Hungarian-Chinese Relations, 1956–1966.
Conference: New Central and Eastern European Evidence on the Cold War in Asia, Budapest, October 30–November 2, 2003.

14. With the Chinese, for the Chinese – The Hungarian Jesuit Mission in Puzi, Taiwan.
8th International Symposium of the Verbiest Foundation, Leuven, August 31–September 3, 2004.

15. The Rise of China, 1953–1957.
The 1956 Hungarian Revolution in World Politics. International Conference of the Institute of History the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Europa Institut Budapest. Budapest, September 7, 2006.

16. The Influence of the Hungarian Revolution on the CCP’s policy in the second half of the 1950s.
The 1956 Hungarian Revolution and the Soviet Bloc Countries: Reactions and Repercussions. An international conference organized by the Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security. Budapest, September 22–23, 2006.

17. China and the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
1956 in Hungary and Finland: 9th Hungarian–Finnish Seminar, University of Turku, Institute of Political History, November 12–15, 2006.

18. China and the eventful autumn of 1956.
Institut für Sinologie, Universität Heidelberg, December 13, 2006.

19. China and the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
Seminar für Sinologie und Koreanistik, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, December 18, 2006.

20. A Decade of Negotiations. Sino-Soviet Normalization in the 1980s.
Conference: Soviet Impact on China: Politics, Economy, Society and Culture. New York, Columbia University, June 22–23, 2007.

21. East-Central Europe and the process of Sino-Soviet normalization in the 1980s. International Conference: East-Central Europe in the Cold War. Warsaw, 16–18 October 2008.

22. Sino-East Central European Relations during the 1980s.
Cold War and Sino-Soviet Relations: Diplomatic, Economic, and Cultural
Interactions, Shanghai, East China Normal University, January 5–7, 2009.

23. China’s Relations with East-Central European Soviet bloc countries, 1966-1976. International Conference: China and the World in Mao’s Last Decade, 1966-1976. University of Hong Kong, January 9–10, 2009.

In Hungarian:

24. 1956 and China.
Institute of History, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, March 2, 2004.

25. National Identity and Foreign Policy in China.
Teleki László Institute, Budapest, March 11, 2004.

26. Hungarian Jesuit Mission in China.
Conference: The Mission of Hungarian Jesuits from the Beginning to the Present, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Piliscsaba, November 8–10, 2004.

27. Jewish Refugees in Shanghai.
Meeting of Magyary Zoltán and OTKA Postdoctoral Fellows, Debrecen, November 11–12, 2004.

28. China: from Empire to Nation-State?
T?kei Ferenc Society, Budapest, December 2, 2004.

29. China’s Foreign Policy, EU-China Relations.
Office of National Security, Hungary, October 4, 2005.

30. History of the Chinese Mission of Hungarian Jesuits in the 20th Century.
Society of Christian Intellectuals, Tamási, October 5, 2005.

31. The Impact of the 20th Congress of the CPSU on Sino-Hungarian Relations.
Conference at the Institute of Political History, Budapest, February 23, 2006.

32. From Empire to Nation State. China’s place in the International System. (in Hungarian and English)
Habilitation lecture. Budapest, ELTE, March 23, 2007.

33. How Stable is the Chinese System?
After the Olympics – which road to take, China? ELTE Confucius Institute, December 6, 2008.

34. Thirty Years of Political Reforms in China
Thirty Years of Reform in China. Hungarian Institute of International Affairs, December 10, 2008.